Friday, January 30, 2009

new president and overloads.

This post has nothing to do with President Barack Obama whatsoever. But it does align with the fact that since the 44th Commander-in-Chief has taken office we've had nothing but bombardments in the news about potential failures within the first 100 days, controversies of swearing in tax-evader Tim Geithner, and Obama's addiction to his BlackBerry (CrackBerry), or as Jose Antonio Vargas of the Washington Post put it during my class' video conference with him Thursday "the BatBerry."

Instead, I'm going to speak to the recent bombardment and joyous overload I experienced just this evening. New music. Nearly 6 months ago my speakers decided to crap out altogether and since then I haven't been able to listen to my own music or download new stuff.

Today, a breakthrough.

My external speakers decided to perk up and show a little life tonight. Since my enabler of my music addiction has finished his favorite music videos of 2008 compliation, he has weighed me down with an amazing assortment.

But, before I get into his own rantings I have to promote my own.

Fresh out of the London-town scene, Alphabeat from Copenhagen, Demark is self proclaimed "wonky pop." In a word it is infectious. This music, without sounding cliche, is toe-tapping and snap-inducing. "Fascination" and "Boyfriend (old music video version)" are the best ones. My friend Kenny is a fan of "Go Go" but the truth is they are all fantastic.

Now...on to Sam's

iPod favorites "The Ting Tings" have released a somewhat "Americcuuh" version for their song "That's Not My Name." Click on the YouTube clip and you'll notice the URL begins with "uk" -- that's some sweet sauce. This video is better that the UK original version for the following reasons:

  1. the best usage of kanye west lame sunglasses
  2. sign flippers for Matress Warehouse that you see on the side of the road actually get to use their talents for something actually creative.
  3. singular best utilization of relfective tape since the 80s
  4. Katie White's style of black satin sexy boots and volleyball knee pads are actually stylish. Sam's opinion:

5. They mess with the film speed and it makes singer Katie and drummer Jules look kinda like zombies.

Before this rant goes to an overload...I have one last thing to say. Another UK kick, the Matches' "Who Let the Yankees in the Chip Shop"

Cheers, Mate.

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